Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rsvp Sayings How Do You Get Friends To RSVP??

How do you get friends to RSVP?? - rsvp sayings

We have a baby shower for a friend. We invite 80-100 people, so apparently I have a final statement of who comes and who does not. We are with him in a room if the space is not a problem, but we want to know how much food we should not know. Has anyone nice words or something that would remind people to RSVP?

1 comment:

  1. Write to RSVP) by (date.

    So ... If you are in a position to determine how some of his friends to ignore. They have seen no responsibility, whether they come from. They want a clear answer. You might not want to remember. You should be grateful to be invited. This (if available) shows how many people have (or not) the social habits.
